I went to Darryl's cell for makeup cell today, since I want to be able to attend the Easter screening for the DM people on Sunday. Had a blast, miss hanging out with 'youth' a little (as if I'm very old..). I finally saw Darryl's and MJ's pet dog, a hyper jack russel that must have Duracell batteries running in its body or something. They had a pot luck today, and played the numbers game, where the brudders heroically helped to eat everytime the sisters 'zhong'. Ahaha. Then doing the craziest things like playing UNO on the bus even though I was getting off in three stops. I won that round with time to spare, ahaha.
And then I remembered that I have work tomorrow. Sigh.
Few more days, and I might be starting SOT earlier, since I er, ahem, didn't complete Victorious Living, so I can go for the extra classes next week. The timing should fit perfectly, as I finish this job on Monday, and the VL classes start probably on Tuesday. God's perfect timing always, whee.
Today especially, I am reminded that there's always a reason for the time and place you are at, at every exact moment. Chance encounters upon chance encounters, or perhaps more like God's arrangement, led me to meet so many key people, to help me in some area of my life.
I've only just begun to realise, today, the real impact of going to SOT. All the challenges that I am facing now, and will soon have to overcome. It's truly the greatest battle of faith and perseverance ever.
Thank God for all the people who have been placed in my life, continually encouraging me. Especially fellow ministry members, and cell group members, who know a little of my struggles, giving me advice or just a word of support, it helps me as I step out further into the frontline thiscoming months.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
ATTENTION: If you saw a girl that looks just like me last Saturday at Expo, with a boyfriend, IT IS NOT ME.
That would be my twin sister and her boyfriend. It is obviously not me because:
1. I was backstage most of time, hanging out with the shadows
2. She was wearing a coloured shirt, I was wearing black all weekend
3. I don't have a boyfriend.
I invited them to watch the Easter show and they came. Some of my friends who saw them were "stunned" (exact words) by the resemblance.
..now I'm wondering about those people who don't know that I have a twin sister. I think they're just going to assume things. -_- Welcome to my life.
Uh oh. I forgot my password for the school system again. Now I can't login and register my attendance for my own graduation ceremony. ^^ll Guess I'll have to wait till July to get my cert? I can't attend anyway, unless I 'pon' one day of SOT. The graduation ceremony is a waste of time in my opinion, somemore have to rent the graduation gown, but don't know if my parents want to go. Oh well, try again tomorrow.
Post Easter update
Just a quick post before I run out of the door for work. This past few weeks, as you can see, I'm so busy I couldn't even blog at all. So in the past 3 weeks I:
-turned 20
-went to JEFF CHANG'S concert!!!!
-helped out backstage for Easter
The set design for Jeff Chang's concert was beautiful, but I'll talk about that another time. Don't want to be late for work!
Backstage as always is fun, tiring, and an experience. My first time on intercoms, made mistakes in the beginning, but in the end everything turned out ok. Whew. So many challenges that everyone in Drama Ministry faced, whether individually or collectively. One of our crew got injured during a show, fractured a finger and his right knee. :( Had blood somemore. But he's alright now more or less, just got to stay on the crutches for a month or so.
This Monday will be my last day at this job. I need to find a new job, to help pay for SOT. At least for this first month, I've got the finances settled with my stint at Japan Green Clinic. SOT will be starting soon!!
I'm truly living one month at a time, one week at a time, even one second by one second.
Ok, need to run now, last few days at work doesn't mean I can be late~
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I want to do well for Drama Ministry. Not just for myself, but for everyone, and for God most of all of course.
Everyone - Those that believed in me, those that didn't, those that know me, those that don't, those who may have only seen me in a passing glance, and those whose only connection with me is in appreciating the fruits of everyone's labour.
Not an exhaustive list, by far.
I didn't know cats bite people. I found that out today when I went for makeup cell in Terri's cell group. Her cell group leader has a couple of cats. One is rather vicious, as the red mark on my hand will attest to. No blood though, so I still heart the fierce, white, and not-so-little furball. <3
Can I make a positive difference, just being who I am, in where I'm sent? Try my best. :)
I'm just someone who's trying hard everyday.
Bah, I feel like throwing up. Shouldn't have ate so much for supper just now. Or maybe I should just lay off coffee with pasta at 10.30pm.
I'm using my sister's computer, because my laptop is probably in my brother's room and I'm not into trampling into people's bedrooms when they're sleeping. I don't know why I'm mentioning this other than the fact that I feel a bit odd not using my familiar keyboard, and I can't listen to songs.
I'm excited for ministry, and for the God-given job (THANK YOU GOD!!). Like a fizzy drink can being shaken about and bursting to explode. I feel equally unhealthy too, with all the eating I've been doing these few days. :DDD High-fat, high-sugar content fizzing drink. FIZZZ!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I got a job! THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!
On Monday, I'll be starting as a clinic assistant in a Japanese clinic in Orchard. I'm really happy, everything is as I needed, such as the days I need off for Drama are approved. Monday when I 'put ink to paper' I'll be woohoo. Working hours are office hours, 5 1/2 day week. Jobscope seems manageable, I just need to learn from the people what to do.
And I can wear jeans! :D Although shoes have to be all white, covered. I hope my white+gray with green swoosh Nike pair will do, if not I have to run to the nearest shop and get another pair.
I'm employed on my birthday! Monday I'm officially 20, and I have a job, a way to help pay for some of the SOT course fees, my application fee has been paid (got to return the money to helpful member), and my NTU application is waiting for NTU to contact me for interview! Whoot!
So after I was done with the interview, met up with my squaddies. An early celebration for my birthday, since I, er, reserved most of March for DM. ^^; We ate at Mad Jack Cafe in Bedok. I LOVE MAD JACK CAFE. I visited the Bukit Timah branch a few times. I'm happy to find one in Bedok. Next time, I feel like dapao-ing or something. Cheap and delicious. Don't go for the baked rice though, not very value for money. Beef burger is Good, spicy mixed cheese fries are Good, desserts are GOOD but you might be put off chocolate and sweet things for a while after eating them (Oz Brownie, and Wild Boy which is a banana crumble thing, are two recommended ones from me). I didn't try the fish and chips at this branch, that's going to be my aim on my next visit.
I can't believe they charge $0.50 for water though. 5% GST and you have to bring your order form to the counter. Anyway, JUST GO EAT THERE LAHHH. YUMMY AND AFFORDABLE. And it's HALAL. Which is why we ended up going there, got to find a place where everyone can eat.
I got early pressies! Ayumi's 'Guilty' album (anyone want the poster??), and a few other miscellaneous cheaper things which I specifically asked for. Like plasters! XD Plasters are important you know. You don't think about their importance until something like your shoe blistering your feet occurs.