As usual, it's Faye who kicks me out of my bumming mode and intensify the job-hunting. She plonked a link with a list of temp/contract positions at me on msn and left me to have the fun of emailing a dozen companies.
Now I've emailed my resume and applied to so many openings, it's kind of hard to remember them all. I have a feeling I'll be flooded with enquiring phone calls tomorrow, since it's kind of after office hours now.
*pray pray pray*
I also finally finished the online application to SOT. That was one of the longest forms I've ever had to fill in.
So for now, I'll just chill and watch American Idol, eat my dinner, get disapproving stares from my brother who hints not-so-subtly about how I might like to hit the gym sometime (tomorrow ok?? T_T).
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Waiting whee!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Washing machine feeling
Jumper, in my opinion, is a lousy show. I advise you not to waste your time and money on it.
God can make something good out of something bad..
Ups and downs are natural occurences in life. I expected it to be difficult, but nothing ever prepares you enough for when the battles really begin. From the very beginning of the year to now, the seas have been raging.
Time to get out of the boat?
I feel like I've been tossed into a washing machine. Got to withstand all the spinning around, stuff getting in your way, semi-drowning experience, before I can emerge sparkly clean. And you're not the one throwing all the fabric softener and things in during the process either.
And how long is 'repeat cycle' set to?
That's what air bubbles are for..
Monday, February 18, 2008
Fall back
Participated in Chingay 2008, it was an interesting experience, really tiring. I've yet to watch our segment on TV (recorded). But think it was not bad.
Cookie please.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Beauty is filth in the hands of scum.
That is a truth I have found out due to the many frustrating events from long past till the very recent.
Nightmare - just begun, or ending?
I find it so hard to sleep nowadays. Days of being forced awake by things you can't control, trying to tune it all out as white noise all this while, but the volume increases as time does.
Silence seems to be the best option for me.
So far, everyday, still reminding myself that I am BLESSED. The little things, like the jar of Suji cookies I'm going to eat in a minute. :D
Be of good cheer, for the Lord has plans for you, plans for good and not for evil..
John 16:32-33 (New King James Version)
New King James Version (NKJV)
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
32 Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. 33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Ah Long Pte Ltd
I went to watch Jack Neo's "Ah Long Pte Ltd" yesterday. I have to say, I did have my doubts before I entered my cinema. But it turned out to be worth going.
It's SUPER FUNNY!!!!!!!
As 'funny' is relative from person to person, shall we say, if you watched "Superbad", "Ah Long Pte Ltd" is much, much, MUCH funnier. In fact, I think the aim of the show should be to entertain and make you laugh as much as possible. Other than that, the premise I wouldn't say is one of the most original, and the ending is kind of odd, but it's just so funny.
Unless, of course, Jack Neo's type of humour doesn't appeal to you. But for me, I think he's upped himself another level since his "I Not Stupid" days.
Ok, anyone can tell me if "Kung Fu Dunk" is worth watching?
Yesterday was also the second time in my life I tried out Secret Recipe. And it's also the second time in my life I'm sorely disappointed by the food from Secret Recipe. It really fails my expectations. Having given it the benefit of a 'second chance', I still have to conclude that its not going to be on my list of 'places to dine' anytime soon.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Holding on for moments of reprieve
Somehow, the notion of 'Treat others the way you want to be treated yourself' doesn't seem to be working out well recently. Sigh.
Friday was the first night of Chingay rehearsal for me. Most of the others have been involved since quite some time back. I gave my name when Drama Ministry was asking for volunteers two weeks ago, but they only called me on Friday afternoon. ^^;; Well, I'm glad I signed up for it. At least I'm not so bored, being (still currently) unemployed and graduated.
I'm not sure how, but it'll be alright. The struggle will have its moments of reprieve. I don't expect the year to get any easier, but I can only trust.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Life is like such a game show
The job hunt thus far has honestly been rather frustrating to say the least. I have so many rejections, and a lot of tentative offers. Tentative as in nothing's confirmed, leaving me hanging and waiting and wondering, whether to wait for it (which isn't definite you'd get it) or find something else less wonderful. Which has rendered me in a position whereby I'm hanging in mid-air amongst a sea of these tentative offers. None of which are guaranteed to go through, so you don't know which to give up/hold on to etc, or whether to just abandon them all and fill in my application form for the nearest Starbucks.
I'm WAITING. Waiting for this, waiting for that, waiting and waiting and seeing what happens.
For now I still can do that. But in due time, I won't be able to afford the luxury of waiting. I have no idea what's going to happen in one month's time, or even what's going to happen in the next couple of weeks.
It's like playing 'Deal or No Deal' in real life. You don't know whether to give up your box for the banker's offer, or to wait for a better offer, or to stick with it. Because every box you open changes the circumstances and every step has unpredictable consequences for you. Making decisions - You either end up congratulating yourself, hitting yourself in the head, or accepting what happened. And the dynamics can keep alternating at each decision made.
Thanks everyone who have been helping me, I absolutely and definitely appreciate it.
I'm still holding on!! Something good is going to happen to me! Yes it will!