Writing this as I eat my breakfast..
Haven't slept since yesterday, not even for 5 minutes. Was chionging the group project for SOT until 5am..then surfed a while so I wouldn't fall asleep..I already know what happens when I decide to go sleep 'just for half an hour'..half the time I regret it..so..
AWAKEN MY SOULLLLL right now..sigh......
Really thank Charmaine for coming up with such a great outline..if not, think our team would really be very far behind..
Thank God for internet resources too..
Ok, this is another specs wearing day, got to be kind to my eyes..hope to 'break the chain' tomorrow.
Still have way loads of things to settle..KK trip with its +++ worth of things already..whoosh..
Ok, got to go SOT early, my team's week to do PA duty. I'll be back to write, hopefully with a very good report..yessss..
I was so tempted to give up really, in the midst of despair..but suddenly this thought came to my mind..if I let myself be struck down now, how am I going to achieve all those dreams and visions God placed in me? And His promises..so close to claiming them with each passing day..
Struck down but not destroyed..
And then I remember what Charmaine always likes to say, about "perserverance builds character" etc..suddenly it really seems so applicable..hmm..
Monday, July 28, 2008
Labels: SOT
Friday, July 25, 2008
To stand tall in the midst of craziness
Had eye infection after SOT on Wednesday, struggled home to get my specs before heading to work (new job btw). So I've been wearing my specs for these few days. Which apparently people feel looks better on me. o.O I have no idea..nvm..
Ayez..new job = super tiring..keep crashing to sleep the moment I reach home..can't bring myself to do my project research..:(
This week is just plain crazy..somemore rehearsing for choir showcase..>.< feel a bit on the down side because it's tough to keep up with the other two wonderful gals whose standard already there..me is a noob, so dear God, please help me..jamming late into the night..ahhhhh very tiring on top of all the above-mentioned things..
Then upcoming mission trip to KK..which brings with it a whole load of its own 'things' to settle..
God, help me!! Got so many things that I need to rise up to the occasion..help help help!!!
Let's do this Pastor Joshua Hong style..O Lord!! O Lord!!!! O Lord!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I got such a lot of visions this week as we exercised prophesying over ourselves..every session that Pastor asked us to pray, I'd get a new one..
1. I saw a field, of green grass, a wide expanse. In front, nearby, was a beautiful red farmhouse. In the far distance, I saw a dark mass of clouds, like a thunderstorm, with lightning flashing dangerously. But it was in the distance.
I felt that God was saying, I am that house, your refuge and shelter from the thunderstorms in your life. Why do you keep on looking at the thunderstorms, instead of seeking shelter in Me? In fact, I am closer to you than you realised. Right in front of you.
Why do we stand outside and stare at the problems in our lives, when we have the safety of God to enter into?
2. I saw an island, in the middle of a vast ocean. I saw the shore, obviously seperated from the island by the great amount of water. Then, as I wondered how I could possibly cross from the island to the shore, suddenly, the waters supernaturally subsided, and revealed that the island and the shore were all one piece of land, and I could easily cross over now.
I felt that God was saying, even when we are stuck like on the island with all our problems, wondering how to find a way out, God will begin to reveal miraculous things to us that we never realised before, in ways that we never expected. That we will discover things that were once hidden from us by God. So..don't worry.
3. I saw a huge tall waterfall, which flowed down into a serene river. Note, the river was serene, calm, glistening, like any other nice calm river or lake. It didn't seem like a waterfall had just gushed into it.
I felt that God was saying, even when the heaviness of our problems fall down, and we have overwhelming burdens that gush down, He'll lead us into a place of calm, quiet, peace. All of the troubles that we go through, they will all lead to peace. And it's only God's peace that could guarantee something like that.
He'll lead us to a place of peace and rest when we're struggling through all those troubles..
Seems the common theme here is..when you're going through troubles, God will take care of you, He's got a plan. Thank you God..
Personally, it's a struggle for me in many areas..I'm holding on tightly to the promises He's given.
Monday, July 14, 2008
It's gonna be alright :)
Suddenly felt so incredibly joyous tonight..think it's a culmination of gratefulness to really how God has been good to me all this week, and just plain whoo hoo for God..See, I can't even use coherent lanaguage now..lol..
It wasn't a smooth sailing week, rather I was quite challenged. It showed on my countenance sometimes, the weary face, when people talked to me they'd notice. Hmm well, the tough period got overcome, now I'm so yay I can't even remember why I was like that..LOL, what better way to forget your problems than to be so HAPPY that they get washed away with this great love..
Just so grateful that really, when I felt my feet slipping on this mountain, the harness will always be there to pull me back up..
IT'S GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT. It always does. (And I think I repeat this phrase several times a year.)
The direction is becoming clearer..and some things I need to do, and some things I need to give up in order to make room for the things I need to do..will feel sad of course, but just leaning on God's purpose. Always, when I give up something for a new move, I feel sad, but I always end up gaining so much more in the end, that I can't even imagine.
It's all OK! :)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Last 5 or 6 weeks to go
Having good relationship with your boss is very important. :) My boss gave me a raise though I'm leaving soon. LOL! And she bought mini-doughnuts for me yesterday on the way back to office. Haha.. She wants me to stay on if I can. But I know by end-August, I need to move with the new direction..
It's not easy, with this last lap of 5 or 6 weeks of SOT to go..the higher up the mountain you go, the thinner the air. I'm trying my best to overcome..battles that occur here and there..
Then there are the other major decisions and transition periods to come..well, God said, He'll tell me what to do when it's time to know what to do.
His promises truly do come to pass..I'm just waiting to see what's in store.
Shading an average of 100 MCQ these past two days have left my hand feeling rather pain until now even..bah..
I want to watch movie..I want to eat Carl's Junior..I want a lot of things lah..
All need money and time. -_-
Labels: SOT
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
5 love languages
Because I was requested to do this by some people..
The Five Love Languages
My primary love language is probablyActs of Service
with a secondary love language being
Quality Time.
Complete set of results
Acts of Service: | 11 | |
Quality Time: | 7 | |
Words of Affirmation: | 6 | |
Receiving Gifts: | 4 | |
Physical Touch: | 2 |
Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.Take the quiz
It's always in the same order since last time, just the values fluctuate a little from time to time.
Acts of Service! Do things for me! Ahahaha!
Labels: quiz
Season of New
I'm squeaky clean, after Pastor Mike Connell's week of deliverance and healing ministry with us. Yay!
I really should update my blog more diligently, seems to be so many things to write about nearly every day..
Anyway, firstly: Which smart bugger in my family configured a password on my laptop's internet?! And never ask me, nor inform me at least what's the password..which is why I'm writing this so late..
Thank God, I'm always prepared with backups! Thumbdrives and CPU to the rescue! Can save my assignment 4! Though I try not to use my CPU late at night since it's in my bedroom and the light will disturb my twin sister.. >.<
But..where are my earphones, and my handphone cable?? I'm the only Sony Ericsson user in the house..
GADGETS, stop PMS-ing at me!!!
Went for choir practice today (tuesday). Greatly enjoyed, mostly because of the thick presence during worship. I just knelt down and started crying quite hard..never mind if I was the only one like that..God really gave an outpouring of His love on me..seems as if I always manage to hear from God during choir practice. Feel ULTRA blessed by that encounter. :) I'm reminded, that His promises Always come to pass..
Fasting really helps in building up the spirit..
Finally collected my (dusty) diploma cert from school, and immediately applied to study at Murdoch University locally via SMa. At least I don't need to fly to Aussie to get my degree~ And I'll grad faster than local Uni students because of advanced standing..muahaha..Dec 2009 anyone? :D
The best part is..SMa is at BUGIS! <3 Too many reasons to love the location, ie if rehearsals happen to be in the area..:)))
+shopping +food +central to everywhere and everything +cathay cineplex around the corner +can find my friends at SMU +straight bus +++
Of course, I'll have to study hard..since I'm plunging into it at advanced standing, I won't have time to slowly relearn all the basics..discipline!!
And of course have to do well or my mother will whack me how to shine as salt and light if you don't do well eh?
Oh yah, I start September 1st. Merely less than a week break after SOT ends. @_@ Study study study. Goodness.
I'm truly BLESSED. :)
This is truly the season of new for me now..What's next, God? :D
It's tough, but I'm enjoying! Tears+Joy = eventually joyful tears. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
..I should cut down on the bubble tea. :DD
Labels: SOT
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I'm so amazed
My life is truly experiencing a lot of changes this year..so many experiences..whoot..
Anyway..I won't be at OrangeTee much longer, taking a huge step of faith..will be leaving when my manager manages to find a suitable replacement for me and that person has settled down into the job. In fact, she graciously said I could leave earlier before then if I needed to.
I'm making room for God's plans..new direction to head to..
Still feel this excessive feeling of joy wanting to overflow from within me, in the midst of this uncertainty. :)
I'm so amazed.