I'm finally graduated from the School of Theology.
To use the word 'finally' is odd in itself. Because right now, it feels like I've only just begun, rather than ended something.
It's akin to an egg maturing to finally hatching. While the egg 'finally' hatches, yet hatching is really the beginning of the 'real' action.
We're all matured and hatched, ready to take on the 'real' world. Not that the 5 months of SOT weren't real enough. So many of us were barely standing in the last few weeks, from exhaustion throughout due to balancing schoolwork, job requirements, social obligations, and other things. Our emotions, I'm sure, everyone was whacked some way or another.
Myself, I wanted to give up sometimes. I did wonder, was it worth it? Yet, I would remind myself, if I give in now, how am I going to fulfil the dreams and visions God placed in me?
Even before SOT, I already had a slew of problems to overcome, ranging from the family-related to financial. But God provides indeed. Every month, I practically had to keep changing jobs so that I could earn just that little bit more. I'm still in need of a new part time job now, to clear off some unexpected debts. I'm prepared to fight this fight for the financial freedom for a longer time, as long as is needed to be 'free'. But I guess you could say, I made myself a willing party of this. Because I know, that no matter what problems occurred, none of them will be too big for me to eventually solve. Because GOD has prepared the solution. If He put me to it, He'll see me through it. And it's been proven time and again, month after month, all this time.
My cell group leader always tells me *this* and I'll always remember..I'm just grateful for my cell group and leader's support in all this time! Ivan and Sarina and N342 are the most incredible.
I'm thankful for my team 21, the history-making team, being the first MJ Zone team in SOT! MJ is proud of us, and I hope we can make him proud too! MJ Zone!!
To all my members in team 21, and to ALL the friends I've made in SOT, in some way or another, EVERYONE has really made a difference in my life. I really wouldn't have it any other way. The awesome testimonies of faith, that sometimes make my problems looks so small in comparison, the wonderful personalities and characters I've been privileged to meet, the longsuffering kindness and guidance of all our lecturers and staff of bible school..it's been Amazing.
What else have I learnt in SOT? I was able to experience and expand myself more in ministry! Firstly, I was majorly involved in the Mother's Day production. Half the time, I had to call in absent for my part time job (it's up to me when I want to go in) because everyone else was not able to take leave from theirs to go down to Salvation Army and other related places to settle all the needed sets and etc. Thank God for His grace, and providing the wonderful SOT volunteers at late notice to help as crew.
I got to experience choir! That was really fun. I'll miss that alot. I'll miss the friends I've made even more! T_T Choir helped me to be more dressy. Haha..no more black black black black black all the time..Great excuse to go shopping too.. *cough*
Both SOT and choir helped to push me to take care of putting makeup on my face. Now I can't go out without putting any, it's become an ingrained habit. -_-;;
I've become much more diligent in my bible reading, and assignment-doing. Haha! Also all the 11 exams..oh my..study study study I did..
I also can't forget the very strong encouragement from Pastor to all the singles to get attached. Haha! Of course he says that in the capacity that majority of the SOT students are mature enough and etc to be in a relationship or at least start dating. I have to say that many of the MJ Zone brudders heeded the call..many 'on the way' soon..as for the sisters, it's not so happening for us..oh well..God is faithful, it's more urgent for the guys as they're getting older and such anyway.
Another exciting highlight was the mission trips! I went to JB with a small group, and it was wonderful. Then I went to Kota Kinabalu with 50 people, and experienced the warmest hospitality and love from the m'sian believers. Glory Christian Centre is really going to be something. I LOVE KK, it's an awesome place to go, I want to return for a holiday (and to visit the church and my new found friends of course!). KK food is yum too. Hehe.
Ok, I didn't just go on mission trips to eat. I went to serve! In KK, I was doing most of the backstage logistics for the drama our team acted in. Have to say that team 21 can win acting awards! A GREAT show of great impact, and glory to God! Loved every moment of the mission trip.
Finally, there was the wonderfully awesome graduation night and service days. On our graduation dinner night, we saw fireworks! Beautiful fireworks, and of course even better is being surrounded by the best bunch of schoolmates for that whole night. Had an interesting mass dance thing before that, watched several super humorous performance items, took a lot of photos, and just felt so blessed to be in such a fun celebration. Nowhere else I'd rather be on a Friday night. :)
The next day was the graduation service. In fact, this is the first time I've attended my graduation. I didn't go to my polytechnic graduation (though my photos in the graduation gown are officially splashed across several newspapers and websites..) because I didn't want to miss lessons. Took more photos, and felt so awed by the experience of graduating.
SOT is truly the best experience of my life.
And like what every graduate says..You've GOT TO GO SOT!! :)
I've been inspired to do much more, to fulfil the destiny I have in Christ, to do the many things I need or am called to do. I kind of figured out I can call them my '5 S':
Studies: I want to be a good student, in my new school. I want to study super hard, and be such a role model to my fellow classmates, and that even in my area of studies I can impact others positively. God, help me to be diligent in my academic areas and to be a good helper to others who seek my help in this course. Let me be an 'exemplary student'!
Social: I want to be more Sensitive to others' needs, that I will not always be saying the wrong words or doing the wrong things to unintenionally offend. God, help me to be more Sensitive to others! I also want to be Smilier, to attract others to be my friends! God, let me be more cheery all the time! Because I think it's still not enough, I want to be on default smiling in the face of anything that comes my way.
Self-improvement: I want to learn the things and skils that I've always wanted. There's guitar, and there's driving. I need to get myself to do the necessary action in learning and completing them! God, help me have the necessary discipline and ability to conquer these areas, so that I can be well-equipped for the future work in my life! I also want to look Sharper, going from glory to glory in my dressing and appearance! Though I think I've been doing a good job thus far, there's always room to improve and go to a new level. :))) (It's not just an excuse to do more shopping..*cough cough*)
Savvy: I want to read more! I have a small pile of books that I have yet to complete. I also need to be in-tune with the current news and current TV shows, movies, etc, being in this field of Mass Communications. How to be successful in a field when you are not knowledgable about it at all? I have libraries and Borders at my disposal too, for when I'm done with the pile of books. Now that I don't need to 'chiong' bible or any reading materials for SOT, I'm free to 'chiong' other books of my choice. God, help me pick good books and material to enrich my life, and let me be knowledgable in my area, that I will never be caught in a situation where I'm 'suaku'.
Successful: This kind of covers almost everything not mentioned. I want to be successful, being able to balance family, ministry, school, job, etc well! God, help me in having the right balance in all areas of my life. I want to be someone whom others will look up to and say, "I want to be as successful as she is, being able to do well in every area of her life!'. I believe that this is possible, by God's supernatural help plus my effort. God honours the faithful.
Let's GO! I'm ready for the next phase of this adventure! Coming up, Asia Conference, and Christmas Production! What other surprises has God in store for me this rest of the year? :) So exciting~
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Graduated from SOT
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Back from KK
Back from Kota Kinabalu mission trip! Will blog more about the trip when I have more photos from everyone, and more time. Ahaha. Will upload to Facebook or something also, they look so small here.
Basically we helped the church, Glory Christian Centre, with a mini-Emerge event. My team was in charge of putting up a drama, while the other team took the telematch in the morning. I'm so impressed by my members, nearly all of them have never acted or even touched a stage in their lives before this. And yet, they put up a tear-jerking performance within a few days of practice only! Really God's anointing and grace with us!
Our hosts were wonderful! I want to go back to KK to enjoy!! Ahhhh! So beautiful and lovely!
Reality..I have a lot of assignments to clear back here now..@_@
Labels: drama, KK, mission trip, SOT