Let's call him Mr BHB (buay hao bai).
Mr BHB is not someone I know very well, and not for that long either. The first time he talked to me online, I already 'sensed' what's his agenda. Combine that with me observing him 'at work' in real life on other people.
So, Mr BHB dared to try his funny tricks on me. Unfortunately for Mr BHB, I'm very immune (at least when it comes to the BHB species). So after I brushed off his first futile attempts, Mr BHB went off to disturb others (the BHB species usually doesn't bother if it takes too much effort).
After one month of MIA, he suddenly popped up and talked to me online again, with more puke-worthy efforts (I suppose its to match with a new year -- upgraded BHB package).
I could always block on msn, but he attacks via fb online chat too. Two-pronged approach!
Why can't the BHB species go extinct??!
Anyway, if members of the BHB species do not evolve into a better improved type, they will just end up like this poor little swiss roll, so sugar coated, puffed up, and content not beneficial to health:
Friday, January 30, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Today, I saw the best bus graffiti ever
Just recovered from stomach trouble, then now I've got fever..-_- What's this man.........
I'm trying to be a chao mugger, but school is really a lot of dry reading to be done..wah...
One step at a time..yup, that's how it's done.
Labels: picspeak
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Looking forward
I am looking forward..
Despite all the difficulties (in the various areas of my life), I believe "everything will be alright"..
Cos that's a promise from God, and His word never fails....
I'm remembering this quote from one of my friends, who always has really quotable quotes..
"It's not a question of can or can not. It's only will or will not."
Meaning, it's not a question of whether we Can or Cannot do something. It's a matter of Will we do it (do we want to do it) or will we not (not want to do it).
I can only keep my eye on February, and see what's to come..
Monday, January 12, 2009
Just finished and sent the edited props list for dialect CNY drama....
Am really tired..still have to prepare cue sheet (when I eventually wake up tomorrow)..
Anyway, today's rehearsal was ok..can see the fruit beginning to take shape...I'm thankful I have 3 MANpower for my backstage crew..glad too that Eileen is there to help Justin with the blocking and acting stuff..and Shawn too to give tips..I'm not an octopus, I really can't keep an eye on the back AND front of the stage at the same time...
I'm thankful for each and every single person involved..whether the stage or off-stage ministries..
Really feel God has given a lot of favour to this drama..or at least, I'm experiencing it..
John Bevere spoke this weekend, he is FANTASTIC. I'm just blown away by his message. I really want his books and audio cds, but no $$..
It's really so true, how you HONOUR your leaders/peers/entrusted ones to you, determines your reward..
My birthday is coming soon, but I don't know what to do..
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
This year..
I don't want the word 'normal', I want EXTRAORDINARY! In all aspects of my life.
I'll stop saying I'm just normal. I'm extraordinary! :D And I'm going to do more non-normal things this year. I'm going to break through and through, above and beyond.
I just keep having this 'itch' in me, that wants to do more and more and more..in every single area that I have..
Of course, not more just for me, but for GOD. :)
And not just wanting more in terms of achievements, but more of God Himself.
It's just a word on my lips..'more'..
Went for my first time to Dialect CNY drama rehearsal yesterday (Sunday). Think the second run was more 'there', just need everyone to work hard together, and we'll have a stellar production! :)
Really thank God for this bunch of people, though I just came on board they do respect my views..no diva attitude from anyone, which really goes to show how they're here for a good production to serve GOD's purpose, not their own..
I do think Justin, JiaJia and Vic have done a commendable job in overseeing this whole thing..especially when they're not specialised in drama in any way..
Saw this test on Kexin's blog, been a few years since I last did it. Last time I was INFJ. Now, I'm INTJ. Very interesting and pretty accurate!
INTJ explanations:
Rational portrait of the Mastermind (INTJ)Typelogic INTJ profile
Do the test too, and let me know what you are! :D
Friday, January 2, 2009
First day of 2009
Went out with Candice on this first day of the brand new year..
Since everyone is goal-setting for 2009..here are some of my plans for this year:
-get my driving license by June 2009
-grad from Uni with all Distinctions and HDs for every module I take this year (will grad in Dec 2009!)
-rise up more in ministry(s). I'm not going to write the specifics in this blog..:P
-do something that I've never done before, aka seize the golden moments...also not going to be specific in this blog, although I already know what it is I want to do..(church related)
-be more positively impactful in my career. Be more famous in a positive sense (or at least beneficial to me sense). That's as far as I can elaborate here.....
-maintain my fitness levels. Keep up regular exercise~
-etc etc..haven't really thought of much else to put into words yet..
My bro is watching Slam Dunk on Animax..nostalgic....I love SD, its super classic..I watched it dunno how many times because of AXN's multiple reruns..one of my top all-time forever favourite shows..
Thankfully, they didn't dub it in english here..
Oops..I haven't started studying for my final theory test yet, and its this month..^^;;
Labels: 5 S
New Year's Eve
Let me post about New Year's Eve celebrations..
I went to my da jie's house on Tuesday and stayed overnight. Helped her with cooking the next day, because after that we (sis+bro-in-law+me) were heading back to my house for a potluck with the relatives coming over.
...let's just say, I'm no Jamie Oliver.
The tenant who stayed at their place stole everything that wasn't tied down when he left. -_- We were cooking with no ladles, no chopping board, blah blah blah. Bah!
He even stole the clothes pegs and PLASTIC PAIL. What?????
Anyway, in the end we produced some sotong balls.
The relatives came, and brought their yummies. I think they made enough food to feed half of sg.
PICTURES OF (some of the) YUMMY FOOD (all are HOMEMADE! except the chicken wings):...are you pwned yet? ^^; I didn't even take pictures of every food available.
I missed the fireworks..went with dad to send sis+bro-in-law home..got back in time to see the ships firing their flares though.What plans have you made for 2009? :) I'm looking forward to an even more awesome year ahead.
God bless to a SUPER DUPER YEAR OF 2009!!!!! Whee~!
Labels: food