I don't want to think so much about the things that are not important, or not beneficial to me..
Focus first on what's important, and remember the GOOD stuff, not the bad..
Now going through a tough and stressful time, school and health..urgh...
At least, I have already finished all the assignments, left with my 2 exams.....
Having that "hungry but no appetite" syndrome..no 'wei kou' for any food, though my stomach is rumbling so much..everything tastes the same (ie Tasteless)..
Think Less about the not important stuff..concentrate on what Is good, and has always been good...
I think it's human nature to be pessimistic, so I want to take a step back (or many steps back) to reexamine situations, with a bigger picture view, wider lens, bigger eyes and mind..
And look for the GOOD rather than the worst in each situation..
And when I do that, it seems better and that I "think too much" sometimes..
Worry doesn't help to achieve anything.. :)
Love God forever yup..thanks for preserving me throughout this difficult time! FOP and Anniversary coming up..Singing for performance choir for second service of Anniversary..Busy busy weekend this week..
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Thinking less, Seeing more
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Some updates
I don't know what's wrong with blogger, the 'new post' part is very messed up..
Anyway, busy with choir pract..upcoming performances..
Feel like Taylor Swift in the gown..think 'Love Story', haha! But pretty and princessy~
Er I flunked my driving practical :( Taking again in Oct..
Recently..health not so good again...past two nights, I KOed straight after reaching home from choir, too tired..And my back has been hurting again past couple of days..
Nevertheless, leaning on God's strength...
I'm pushing on, one more individual essay for school left, then its 2 exams, then HOLIDAYY where I shall be busy with choir, national day (I going NDP live YAY), mum's bday and er lots of other stuff I'm too lazy to say....
Love my friends, and very blessed inspite of all difficulties..
but i going cg now. :) *xin ku de qu* (painfully goes) I'll be ok! Yeah! Must do my assignment too, no time le~
2days without coming online, led to massive amounts of emails and notifications until ppl smsed me to check my email..sorry sorry..pls msg me if anything! :) My online hours not very consistent..haha.....
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Why do I get this feeling that I'm going to die young, before I even reach 25?
(hope its just a very bad feeling, and nothing more than that..)
Why is EVERYONE (especially those that Don't deserve to be) so kaypoh (busybody) about things in my life which are TOTALLY none of their business?!
Wondering if I should buy from the latest spree..
'Horrendous' is the only word that comes to mind..
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Visit from God..
My heart is burdened, for my friends..
The truth, its right there infront of them, they see it and know it, but refuse to acknowledge it..
When will you start being TRUTHFUL to GOD?
That little bit that you don't give to God, He knows.
Today/tonight, powerful presence of God. Holy Spirit kept moving in me.
For Decentralised Zone service, I began to envision a whole terrace full of people. Double the number of the current one today. And God said, "U want 1000? I give u 1000."
Was sitting in front of laptop, began to pray for one of my friends..As I prayed for him, suddenly felt like praying for another girl who I was talking to on msn (suee)..
Presence of God came, HS in me, I suddenly laid hands on screen and start to pray for her, anointing over her life, joy of the Lord in her life, peace. Felt the cloud leave me suddenly, and know that it went over to her. Checked with Suee, yes indeed, presence is over there.
Tested it on Weiye without him knowing, yup again. Laid hands on my screen transmitting HS to people..lol..
Prayed (for many things) until sweaty handprint on my screen for people, began to have a lot of words of knowledge and words of wisdom..prophecies..
But HS started to weep because people were not believing and the work could not be done fully.
Prayed till breathless and giddy, prayed n prayed n prayed....
It's like too much to say in a blog post, how do you explain such a powerful encounter and experience tonight? In mere words, can't...
My english has flown out the window for this post, cos words can't effectively accurately describe what I really felt man...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Rising up to the occasion.
Yah, I've been given some new and heavy responsibilities..was very uncertain about my ability to be able to handle it, but leader and peers have utmost faith and belief in me..so therefore, I will do my best to do it! :) Thank you for the opportunity!
Will share what it is at the appropriate time..secret until the task has come to fruition..:)
The good thing about having 3 ministries..I can keep people guessing what I'm talking about..muahahaha..:P
Enjoyed going out with the gang in the past week, but had lots of hard work to be put in for school and etc recently..fighting lots of 'wars'..thankful that GOD is with me, and my friends have me in prayer! :D
20 days to driving test!!!!!! I must pass on first try! ^_^ Envision smooth roads and nice tester..ahaha..
Hoping for more job assignments in August..
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