Greater things have yet to come
Greater things are still to be done in this city
Feel very 'pushed' right now..don't really know how else to explain it..
Greater things indeed..
Not fair, just because I'm in adult cell, means we weren't invited for the EDGE.. T_T
Bah..I wish adult cells had some events..(Tic-tac-toe is NOT counted..-_-)
I guess it's quite difficult to organise since majority of adult cell members would be busy with work and other commitments..
This is the conclusion I've arrived at:
It's not that I'm adverse to working hard and taking on new assignments/articles, but it's seriously Not Funny At All when I'm being asked at 4am just because I happen to be on msn.
It's even less funny when it's the very day after 3 days of slogging like a cow to complete the Earlier assignments. You know, no sleep + no eat? Seriously, I'm losing weight....
*vastly irritated*
Never mind, I'll just look forward to backstage crew outing next week..rarely get to meet any of them up outside for fun..
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Greater things
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I can only say one word..MARKETPLACE.
My stuff will in November issue of TEENS.
Can't say anything here..public domain..
Will update when I can!
Labels: marketplace, TEENS
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The world has changed..
Thought that I had two whole days to do my schoolwork tomorrow and Wednesday..but turns out I'll be accompanying my dad on his check up to SGH, then Wednesday I may be meeting some people out. Hope everything is ok with my dad, its still pain I know..
Guess schoolwork chionging has to be kept to at night as usual..
And "The world has changed...." seems to be the sentiment for the moment. I'm waiting for more shocks and surprises before the year ends. Haha! Oh my gosh, everyone is so happening can. @_@
Just watched my friend's video of her dancing waltz for her performance or competition, not sure which. She looks so good, makes me feel like learning waltz..~
I want to hang out with my friends.. T_T
Oh yah, forgot to say: Sorry guys for last minute pang seh today..I really really wanted to go outing with you all, but after I reached home from school today I was so exhausted, I just went to KO. By the time I woke up it was already 6pm, and I couldn't go out because my lecturer gave me an assignment to submit (via email) by 12 midnight TODAY! aka if I went out I confirmed can't finish and submit it on time. Would have done it when I reached home but er, whole brain and body really shut down..=(
It's very tough times for me right now..
Sunday, September 21, 2008
September's gonna be over soon
Firstly, really have to thank ALAN LIU for being a power lifesaving pillar of support yesterday! He really helped me out loads for my work. People who have the ability to keep calm and encourage me are really the most valuable when I feel like I want to 'fa feng' already. Thank God for N342 members, always supportive throughout my difficult periods of time.
Well, everything will always turn out all right. I'm quite happy-go-lucky now, but my biggest flaw still recurs when I'm really pressured. That is, I think too much, worry too much, over nothing. Sometimes I wish I could be a bit more 'simple' in my thinking. Worry worry worry, only causes wrinkles. :/
It's really Day by Day that I live. There's no other way.
I must really have some sleepy bones in me or something..I KEEP SLEEPING ARGHHHH.
Ok, off to do more productive things~
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Setbacks and feeling frustrated
Setbacks are part of life. Look at Michael Phelps - his life wasn't always great.
But seriously, I feel very tempted to give up.......
The easy way is to say that PMS is to account for all this horrible mood..
Bah humbug!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Don't be stagnant, go on newer levels everyday!
Yesterday I saw JACK NEO!!! In the flesh!!!! He's one of my heroes. I won't say where, just somewhere near where I live.
When I saw him yesterday, it reminded me, didn't I have a lot of dreams I want to accomplish? One of them is that I want to work for Jack Neo, or even be comparatively same level as Jack Neo, in what I do. This dream, right now, I don't know when or whether it'll come to pass. Because as it is, my course is going into a slightly different direction. But I just 'go with the Holy Spirit flow' when I took this course.
To go into the Entertainment Industry, most probably into TV or film, either front or back..that's what I want to do.
I'm going back to the heart of desperate I was for more of You, God..I want to keep on loving You more..
Today, I was just thinking how every great person starts out somewhere.
The first film that a director made, may be some home video, of very grainy quality. Yet, two years later, they could have the most popular channel on Youtube.
The first drawing a great artist ever drew, could be stick figures as a child.
The first time a great preacher ever preached, could be during SOT for evaluation, and could have done a very..normal presentation.
The first time a great actor/actress walked on stage, could be when he/she forgot her lines.
Where have I come, after all this time, with so many beginnings? And where am I starting today?
Everybody starts somewhere. Get started, you never know where you may be led to.
What I've started before, have fruited. And I'm going to keep on growing it so it'll be MORE and more fruitful.
It feels like 'starting all over again', a bit of the Once you reach a certain level, you have to start again from the beginning of the next level. You've got more, but nonetheless, start again. You must keep 'starting'.
Don't be stagnant! Keep on going newer levels everyday!
Labels: jack neo
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Diligence, perseverance, overcome
We had our zone meeting on Thursday. It was good, minus the part that my stuff got stolen. -_- Lost my mp3 player, which is this, except mine was Pink..I've only had it for 5 months..Then $40, and some miscellaneous stuff..Well trying to be optimistic about it..
It's kind of like times like this in my life, where everything is seriously seemingly going so wrong and I feel so left with nothing, that I have to truly depend on God..
Ok, got tagged by Candice, so I shall just do this quiz for her:
1. The person who tag/pass you is?
2. Your relationship with him/her is?
Ex-cg member, SOT teammate, friend, POS mate for 2 years, SP Gusto cheerleading club teammate..HAHA how many more connections do you want me to list?
3. Your five impression of him/her?
Why five? o.O Quiet, calm, likes to sing, feminine, strong inside and out!!
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
She's done too many things for me. Maybe when I'm down, she's always supportive and encouraging.
5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you?
Er..probably "Rubez I miss you!!!" at Chloe's bday. Cos I'm usually the one going "Candice I miss you!" every morning during SOT. Haha!
6. If he/she become your lover, you will?
If she was a guy, then we'll see about that..
7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be?
-_- N/A
8. If he/she become your enemy, you will?
Do nothing. I don't bother about my enemies.
9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be?
Will that happen? T_T Er, one of us move away from God?
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is?
Go outing....
11. Your overall impression of him/her is?
12. How you think people around you will feel about you?
Nonsensical, funny, lame, crazy, quiet at times..
13. The characters you love of yourself are?
I'm self-entertaining. :D
14. The most ideal person you want to be is?
15. For people that care and like you, say something to them?
It's the people that love me that make me everything I can be in this world. ^_^
16. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you. They are
..I don't even know who reads my blog cos hardly anyone tags. And even if I try to think of the potential readers, they don't even make up 10 people. So I can't do the rest of the questions that ask me to 'say something about no.7' or something like that. Whoops~
So if you read up to this point, do this quiz? :D
p.s. Cherissa you can't escape. :P
I'm going to have to try harder to be a very diligent and hardworking..
Labels: quiz
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Subarashiki Kana, Kono Sekai
My initial thought about what my dad's operation really meant just got changed. The lump that was removed from his leg is probably a cancerous tumour, which means there are chances that cancerous cells may still be prevalent. My dad googled his condition, and he's feeling a little gloomy about the prospects. I think he's pessimistic.
Back to doctor's review in another 6 months..I hope he'll be given a clean bill of health.
I'm keeping to my goal to be fitter! Went running yesterday and today. Have to tone away all the flab from eating and eating and eating and..
Want to be back to a more toned self! Come on!! Or no mooncakes for me this year!
Troubled....I wish I could be more decisive. The most stressful part is when you kind of make a decision, then you still can change your decision, and you wonder whether you much at stake. Well, life is about risks isn't it, calculating the risks and deciding on your course of action each time. If not, how can you ever grow and overcome if there's no challenges?
In the meantime, I'm feeling somewhat encouraged by Miyavi's 素晴らしきかな、この世界 -WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD-. The video is addictively awesome, and the lyrics are great. Basically it's about how we should lighten up in life.
For your benefit, here's a subbed in English version by someone on youtube (ignore the website link advertised, it doesn't work):
And this is for my self-indulgent benefit. I like to watch the video without the words:
When circumstances in life are so depressing as it is already, I've got to keep my spirit up.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
My dad is discharged and at home, but it still hurts for him and he has half a dozen pills to take everyday..
I decided to turn down the AHAVA job..
I have some plans, though they may still need to undergo tweaking. Not going to say so much yet..all that's certain is God will make a way in all things that I'm called to undertake..
I was quite blessed by Zhiyan's revelation. I was reminded that its really 'seek God's kingdom first, and all will be added unto you'. Made me reflect and ponder alot..
Oh yah, school is ok..that's all..too early to say much..
I need to exercise. I need to exercise. >.<;
I'm slowly adjusting to this new lifestyle. My life feels like its hanging on the edge of something, in anticipation, but I don't know what. Yet.
I'm happy to see my friends around me having blessed and prosperous lives turn soon please, haha..
Team 21 group photo (minus Alex..)! The pretty and handsome ones of MJ zone!
I love all my friends, whether I mentioned them or not~
Somehow, I think my life is in a faux 'relaxed' phase right now, have a feeling its going in for the great final lap of the year..coming soon to a theatre near you..
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
New beginnings in September
I was quite busy since last Thursday. My dad went for operation on his leg and has been warded for observation since then, with today making it Day 5 already..:( Really feel very 'xing tong' cos he's so bored and suffering by himself in SGH. I've been trying my best to spend my time as much as possible at the hospital, in between running my needed errands and stuff for Uni admin and such.
Speaking of Uni..they are super ownage can..only email me at 10.30am to tell me my 2pm class today was changed to 9am.."Good Game", SMa..
Anyway, pray my dad can discharge ASAP!!! Already dragged until so long, its very tiring..physically and emotionally for everyone..
Going for interview for part-time job tomorrow, at AHAVA, intro by Michelle. Just now met up with some of the Team 21 people for dinner, and Jian Wei was super funny. He misheard AHAVA as 'Hati Hamba'..LOL!
Well, so that's about that..New school started, I only have class on Mondays & Thursdays, 9am-12pm, for up till December. New job to find/get/start, probably AHAVA if the hours work out all right. New plans and paths to follow, for at least this short period of time. I already started my 'read more books' goal, currently am very engrossed in my Charles Dickens "Hard Times". :D Cheeeeeem book, but BRILLIANT.
Everything will always work itself out..that's all I long as you keep exercising the faith muscle..which I know mine could always increase more..
I'm going to need to put 'exercise' in my plans somewhere..>.<;;