Thursday, September 11, 2008

Subarashiki Kana, Kono Sekai

My initial thought about what my dad's operation really meant just got changed. The lump that was removed from his leg is probably a cancerous tumour, which means there are chances that cancerous cells may still be prevalent. My dad googled his condition, and he's feeling a little gloomy about the prospects. I think he's pessimistic.

Back to doctor's review in another 6 months..I hope he'll be given a clean bill of health.


I'm keeping to my goal to be fitter! Went running yesterday and today. Have to tone away all the flab from eating and eating and eating and..

Want to be back to a more toned self! Come on!! Or no mooncakes for me this year!


Troubled....I wish I could be more decisive. The most stressful part is when you kind of make a decision, then you still can change your decision, and you wonder whether you much at stake. Well, life is about risks isn't it, calculating the risks and deciding on your course of action each time. If not, how can you ever grow and overcome if there's no challenges?


In the meantime, I'm feeling somewhat encouraged by Miyavi's 素晴らしきかな、この世界 -WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD-. The video is addictively awesome, and the lyrics are great. Basically it's about how we should lighten up in life.

For your benefit, here's a subbed in English version by someone on youtube (ignore the website link advertised, it doesn't work):

And this is for my self-indulgent benefit. I like to watch the video without the words:


When circumstances in life are so depressing as it is already, I've got to keep my spirit up.

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