I was just flipping through the online version of the Harvest Times magazine, and this thing stood out to me: Life in God is a COMMITMENT.
Just as we daily (are supposed to) pray, read the bible, and be a good example in our lives, this also includes the 'little' things that you often neglect. A lot of people are plain lazy or have so much busyness in their lives that they choose not to go to church or cell group regularly, or when they can't make it, they don't bother to go for 'make up'. They created their lives in such a way that they can only sigh and say "no choice".
There is always a choice. It's just which choice you make.
Why I am always making it a point to go for cell group (or make up cell group), even though some people may ask me "Isn't attending church service good enough?", is mostly due to the COMMITMENT I have made to God. You want to do what God wants you to do, it means doing EVERYTHING, even if it doesn't make sense to you. Even if going to cell group or service is "wasting time" or "useless" to you. It's not about what it does for YOU. It's about what it does for GOD when you are obedient and follow through your COMMITMENT FULLY.
And this week's cell group message talked about how fellowship and cell group are important biblical principles.
My life does NOT revolve around my ministry. My life does NOT revolve around serving or just 'showing face' by attending events. My life is also NOT about 'fulfilling attendance quota' of any sort.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
what's in a name?
I was just browsing around for some nice names, because I suddenly felt like having a good name on hand in case I decided to insert one baptism name for myself.
I've always felt a bit 'meaningless' having a name which has no recorded meaning in history. As you know, my given name has no actual meaning by itself. No site around has this name even on the database. So, in a sense, I'm 'free' to define it whichever way I want. I felt a bit bothered enough to go dig (again) for possible meanings of my name. So I split my name into two (according to the syllables), and went to find what I could as closely as possible..
Actually, I'm quite pleasantly surprised by the outcome. All the 'possible' meanings are really very positive definitions. :)
(If you strictly want the 'ru')
(taking it that 'bez' or 'bezzie' is an alternate of 'bess' or 'bessie', which are short forms of the name Elizabeth/Elisabeth)
Thank God I got a really good name, unawares though my parents may have been when they named me. The names are even biblical!!
Maybe I don't need to get another additional name after all..
"You are no longer a youth!"
The statement:
"You are no longer a youth!" ~MJ to me
Well, this is the official explanation for why I have not been involved for the past 1-2 years in ANY youth event in the zone. Heck, I haven't even HEARD of them can?
So, I have been regarded as an adult for a very long time now. Since I've been in adult cell I guess. Anyway, I've always felt that I leaned more towards being an adult than a youth.
I'm officially in (another) adult cell, N255, under MJ. I guess this is a sign that I should seriously 'forget' the youth stuff, and concentrate on all the things adults do (career, building ministry, etc etc etc).
Don't get it wrong, I'm happy with any arrangement..
A lot of people constantly ask the same question of me. No, it's not "When are you getting attached?" (although that is one of the most Frequently Asked Questions as well....). It's "When are you going to act?"
I haven't acted in church because I didn't make the cut for the actor auditions in drama ministry last time, and now I'm a full-fledged backstage crew.
I haven't acted in ANYTHING whatsoever, ever since more than 3 years ago, when I gave up theatre for more church activities. (I don't have any regrets, just nostalgia.)
My last acting in anything whatsoever was in Feb 2006....
Last week..A sudden opportunity, an offer for a TV series audition for a really minor role that other people may have turned down, but I went for it, and got picked.
Even if its not a glamourous role, nor have more than one line of dialogue, I'm so overjoyed to have this chance to act again....
Labels: drama
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Don't sweat the small stuff?
I made a mistake, and I don't know whether to say "I'm learning, learn from mistakes and don't let it happen again", or should it be "I shouldn't even have allowed this mistake to happen at all, it could have been easily prevented".
What to do, I'm not perfect......
In any case..I'm happy I had my tau huay zui to drink at home after a long day at drama..
It was a really long day..minor accident during rehearsal at expo, no injuries, but we had plenty of shattered glass to clean up from the carpet..crikey.....chionging of people to attain last minute props to make everything perfect..
Some other stuff I am a bit upset about..
Labels: drama, drama ministry
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Good Friday to Easter Sunday
Let's talk about my weekend then!
First off, I was not involved with this year's Easter drama as it clashed with my exams. :( Yah, a lot of people have been asking why I wasn't backstage.
Anyway, I served for choir and also City News! Spent a lot of time at Hall 7, at the City News booth for the SME Fiesta Trade Fair 2009. We had a mock studio where you could pretend to be newscasters, and even burn a DVD of it. So cool!
Saw a lot of interesting booths around, but one that I personally love is Maverick Couture. Their clothes are gorgeous. *_* It looks a little like what SKIN brings in, but I think I kind of prefer Maverick Couture more.
Haiz. I want clothes. I saw the dusty pink hoodie from MC get sold out before my eyes. :( The sad (or good?) thing is that they only carry a few pieces of each, sold out means sold out. Have no $ to spare on luxury clothing now, guess I'll just aim to get a nice hoodie or jacket next year. ♥
...along with my wishlist of a mini laptop (VAIO? or even MacBook Pro/Air), and a PDA phone (Blackberry or iPhone). Oh, and GUESS bag/wallet. :X Hey, we've all got to have dreams right??
Also watched the Easter Drama twice. I really enjoyed it, it was a really dark and deep theme this time around. Congrats to all the team for working so hard and successfully giving a great show (for 9 services!). Awesome!!
Life Lesson #799: Do not take driving lesson at 7am on Easter Sunday. The pillar which you will almost bang will tell you why.
This weekend will be the final instalment of the 'Shawn & Sally' series (the official name is actually 'Love Busters'). I'll be doing backstage. I'm not sure if there's a season 3 to come..
I still have one more exam to go, on thiscoming Tuesday. Media Law and Ethics. Urgh. What's more, its at NIGHT. -_- I'm going to have a hungry grumbly tummy while doing the exam. Bah!
How do you call this relaxing during the holidays when there's still exams.. -_- School is going to reopen super early next month as well..where's my rest??
Labels: big day, citynews, desirables, drama
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter celebration in the local news!
Our Easter Celebration is reported in the Straits Times today!
Awesome! :)) I watched the drama yesterday, and indeed it is unbelievable!!!! Super cool opening scene, very interesting storyline, and beautiful set. ♥
Ok I got to run to expo now..I'm also helping out at the City News booth at the SME Fiesta trade fair in the morning. Booth F06! Come check it out. :D
Labels: article, big day, drama, drama ministry
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
A good makeover makes a difference!
I was REALLY doing my assignment just now, when I stumbled across...
What the S-Factor girls look like WITHOUT makeup!
I don't follow the show, but I had to satisfy my curiosity..
On the trashiest site stomp, but really MUST See!!!
Most of the girls are models, but the pictures just go to show that EVERY girl will look good if you put in effort (ie put makeup, good haircut, and nice clothes). Think the same will apply to guys too (minus the makeup part, just get a good makeover).
So for girls/guys who complain they are ugly or plain-looking...makeover time! There's hope for everyone! Especially when you look at some of the contestants 'before' pics, they are really quite plain-looking..my gosh, how do they even do the auditions for this show???
Labels: picspeak
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I just scratched myself under my leg, and it started bleeding.. The blood wouldn't stop though it's just a tiny scratch..
And then I realised, this is the exact same area that my dad had his leg cut open in order to remove the lump..leaving a BIG scar which looked like a wound from some horror movie..and while the would was healing, it kept bleeding..And my dad wasn't allowed to be discharged till it stopped bleeding..
Having to change the bandages every two hours, and having a tube stuck to the wound, leading to the blood being collected in a plastic bottle, it was a traumatic experience for me to watch, let alone imagine how much pain my dad was in..
And he's a stubborn type, putting the bottle in his hospital gown pocket so he could go make himself coffee, instead of getting the nurses to, cos he wanted to be independent (and maybe personal ego?).
Anyway, that was during the time I was in SOT.
Can't really remember what the exact details of my past year(s) were, I just know every time I had drama production or during SOT period, something kept happening to my family/relatives. Particularly my dad..
Remembered how I would cry backstage when I had some terrible news suddenly being smsed to me.. And how Esther forced me to go home from rehearsal once..
Thank God, He is greater than all the world can throw at me, and protecting my family. The wound is since healed, but dad's leg still hurts when he sits down on it.
Labels: family