Went for choir practice as an official official official member..lol~ Was better than I expected. Cos I was initially a bit apprehensive, since I don't really have any clique or kakis in there yet..or rather, they're all in alto..
Well, suffice to say, I think I can look forward to lots of enjoyable times in choir to come! :) Lots of events and activities coming..
It's like deja vu..
I wonder..
I have articles to complete..school assignments too..hmm....
When you really positively confess your dreams with a specific timeline, suddenly things start to happen..
I'm also reminded that whatever you're doing now that seems small, is usually part of some bigger plan that we can't see. It's really unexpected how all the little things you don't think about much end up adding up to be important stepping stones to a dream. Like I said some time ago, God knows our desires, even what we don't know that we want.
Well, surprises keep life interesting..:) Expecting the unexpected..lol..
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Deja Vu
Labels: choir
Monday, October 27, 2008
Let's cultural mandate. Creativity requires RISK-TAKING!
I'm excited for many reasons!
First all of, because I'm going back to choir! I'll be in soprano. Guess it's gonna be fun, breaking glass *cough*. Haha!
I'm very high watching my friends fulfil the cultural mandate! JIAYOU JIAYOU, let's all jiayou together! Must say congrats to Jim, he is doing well, his performances are improving! Go to his blog to watch his videos! Cultural mandating! Creativity requires Risk!
I'm going to work hard too!!! In my ministries, in my work, in my life!
"Innocence is virtue tested." Indeed. It reminds me of my work very much. Throughout this short time, I've been asked to interview people whose values or life choices may greatly differ from mine. I have a choice, to take or turn down assignments. I'm glad I didn't choose assignments merely based on 'what type' of person I'd liked to interview. If I only want to interview "certain" type of people, like "strong Christians" who will quote about God in half the interview, doing things that are related to Church or God only, then I might as well write for a Christian magazine. It's like what Pastor said. How do you relate to the world, if all you speak is "Christian-ese"? Got to be normal! In the world, but not of the world.
Today, as usual, Alan Liu says it best. "Today is a very, very weird day."
My cell group went to Sembawang Park to catch crabs, and have a bbq. Unfortunately, half of Singapore also turned up. And we only caught a few miserable ones, unlike Daniel Teh who caught a whole boxful the last time he came with his friends. And then we threw them back into the sea.
In the meantime, I got full on keropok and satay. X_X
Then we went to Chomp Pang to eat (or some of them ate, I was already KO). And throughout the day, Alan Liu was just "Today is a very weird day". Which my cgl agreed. Cgl kept wondering why we're all so hot and tired when it rained and we didn't really do anything.
Ok, well, my weird day doesn't end there.. Went home, saw my mother watching the Singapore Hit Awards. So I just watched a bit, since Mayday was performing. Then my mother said something very funny to me.
Mother: "Are they good? Their song isn't nice.."
Me: "Yah..they're very popular.."
Mother: "Really? But their song isn't nice..I thought ENERGY is better?"
Me: "O_O"
Don't ask me man. o.O;
Labels: 5 S, choir, family, marketplace
Friday, October 24, 2008
PTL!!! I got some supernatural spurt of energy all of a sudden today. I just chionged through and finished 70% of my article. :D
Was kinda stressed because even though I was given a deadline, I was still being chased everyday about my progress. X_X And this week is such a seriously busy week.
Thank God! The source of my strength when I'm weak, faithful in giving me opportunities when I seek.
Tomorrow got exam, hope can go well..
Hahaha feel so high, even though I'm going to study now and have to take an exam tomorrow. XDD
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
What will I see
Yup, as requested, I'm here to update..
There's nothing much to say about school, except that I have an exam this Saturday..
Last week, I dreamt that I flunked my exam. o.O Which is really weird and freaky. Of course, when you're dreaming, it's hard to be logical and rational about reality. I wasn't exactly very worried about my exam actually, so I have no idea why. -_-
Studying hard cos I want that HIGH DISTINCTION!!!!
Good news and bad news..
Good news: My dad's colonoscopy results is CLEAR!
Bad news: The lump that they removed from my dad's leg is a cancerous tumour..so that means there's a chance of recurrence..
My article is published in the November issue of TEENS. I interviewed Hossan Leong, and also did a food review with him at Miss Clarity Cafe. Do check it out if you have time. :)
This is a small step towards bigger dreams..
More articles will be out in following issues!
"When all the tears have dried" (Sing to the Dawn), written by Dick Lee, sung by Emma Yong:
But if I turn away from what I've started
Then will I always wish that I had tried
By breaking free will I be broken-hearted
What will I see when all the tears have dried
Feel like I'm doing a lot, yet not enough at the same time..ARGH!!!
This shouldn't be the end, but my beginning,
What will I see when all the tears have dried?
Labels: family, hossan leong, interview, marketplace, TEENS, video
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I spend too much time on youtube =D
Length of time is never a good indicator of One's level of commitment, maturity, etc etc, to anything. This is for anything from age maturity, career, spiritual, etc.
I've seen people who stay stagnant for YEARS, and when you look at them after a whole Decade, they either reached their limit and stagnate, or they just refused to grow at all. It's like a seed that got buried but refused to sprout.
I've seen people who far surpassed their "seniors" in a short span of just a year, and they amaze me. What they accomplished in one year is far more what others even did in ten years.
What's the differentiating factor?
I don't know what people see when they look at me. An averagely growing seed that grows at an average pace, average rate, average quality fruits? I wonder sometimes (just as random curious thoughts), do people rate my Christian walk merely based on the number of years I've been in church?
I only know that in this short span of time, I've already accomplished far more than I ever thought I'd do. There's still much more that I want to do, but I haven't yet. Should I be disappointed? I can't say that I'm not, but maybe it's cos of that slightly perfectionist streak within me.
One step at a time?
I'm happy though. :) Cos I wouldn't have any of this without God in my life.
It would have been different, so so much different, if..
Anyway. I'm not here to impress other Christians. I just do what I do, the best that I can for the ONLY ONE that matters.
HAHAHA! Minesweeper, The Movie:
Labels: video
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Willingness not just obedience
Psalm 121
A Song of Ascents.
1 I will lift up my eyes to the hills—From whence comes my help?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
Who made heaven and earth.
3 He will not allow your foot to be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD is your keeper;
The LORD is your shade at your right hand.
6 The sun shall not strike you by day,
Nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD shall preserve you from all evil;
He shall preserve your soul.
8 The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in
From this time forth, and even forevermore.
I was kind of under the weather for a while.
I bumped into Darryl and she really spoke some sound advice to me.
Obedience is not enough, you got to be Willing, in whatever you do.
God, You're still so faithful even when I'm not.
Sometimes you think you're out to be a blessing to others, in the end you unexpectedly end up being blessed yourself, much much more.
Principle of sowing and reaping!
Labels: eternity