Went to celebrate Jasper's birthday today, by watching 'Confessions of a Shopaholic'..together with Justin and Candice..Very nice movie! :D I want a green scarf now..hehehe..
Currently, City News is very exciting..I'm doing more there, can see this ministry is going to get bigger and better. There's lots of changes to come, and I'm very privileged to be part of this whole process and great team. I never ever think that I 'deserve' to be anywhere, but its really due to the chances that people give me, that they will consider me, and that God places me in the right place at the right time kind of thing...1% talent, 99% hard work, 100% God..
Another two weeks, and I'm done with this trimester (sort of, except for the exams), and I can happily enjoy EASTER!! I'm not helping out in the drama this time, due to my exams clashing with the exact week of Easter. :(
Driving is fun~ finished 2 lessons so far, I think I'm so anticipating for the time to get my licence!
All the best to all those who are in SOT! I am so excited for everyone and you're sure going to emerge wiser and stronger! :D
I'm blessed with good friends, and a greater God.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I want a green scarf
Monday, March 23, 2009
standing on the future frontier, ready to run
I shall not reveal what were the other 'shocks' I had over the rest of this weekend....maybe at a later, more appropriate date? This week ah..really....
Anyway, the weekend drama went well. :) Happy!
Yah, I know that I have to make some difficult choices sooner or later. But I have always been faced with many "crossroads" situations before, and thus far, I have been able to figure my way out.
I always remember something that God spoke to me last time.."When the time comes for you to know what to do, you will know what to do." Which means, when it's time for me to figure out what are the decisions I have to make, I will not know what to do UNTIL that time comes. I don't have to be afraid of not knowing what to do Now for something in the Future.
God's timing is divine and His plan is perfect for each of us.
Yeah, I'm really "standing on the future frontier, ready to run".
Actually, it's not that difficult. Once you have your eye on GOD, and you have your head clear on your priorities. For some reason, everything will supernaturally fall into place just nicely.
Cool eh..the way God works..
I'm really inspired by Eileen Tan.
I saw her BV-ing for the main service stage this week, and I noticed something different about her. The glory of God was really shining on her...
Shine, Eileen. Your moment is coming. Just let the power flow when you go to KL. Something really amazing is going to happen.
And felt that God says, I've blessed you with so many talents, so that you will let go FULL FORCE when I send you forth, don't hold back or hesitate any more. I will not wait for you to decide when to use your talents, but instead, you decide whether you want to use your talents.
And there's so much more I have planned for you, and indeed you are so mightily blessed, if only you will open your eyes to see, what I have in front of you. The best of the best, because you're my beloved child. And despite what others say about you, despite what you may feel about your life, I am using you to be a vessel for my kingdom.
I love you and you are my reason for being, just as I hope I am the reason you are.
I don't really know Eileen very well, I'm just speaking from my heart right now.
Father in Heaven, bless the whole KL team that's going to go with Pst next weekend, from the singers to the drama team.
Feel like there's Something about to Happen...lets just pray it up..guess it's a pre-Easter 'thing'..
Does Eileen even still read my blog??? o.O; <--random thought
Labels: eternity
Friday, March 20, 2009
When you thought life could not be more shocking..
This week is just full of 'experiences', so to speak.
Monday: First driving lesson. Went home, chionged overnight until the next morning to get essay done, went to school on Tuesday without sleeping.
Tuesday: Went to school, handed in essay, dozed during class. Went home, chionged overnight until next morning to get presentation and summary done. Somewhere along the night, get asked to help out for drama, and I agree. Slept at 7.30am, aimed to wake up at 10am.
Wednesday: Got woken up by sms at 9.50am (don't you hate it when that happens? getting woken up before your alarm....). Telling me about "hey, I just heard that
Thursday (today): Skipped school to regain my sleep. Went for rehearsal. Received phone call in the middle of rehearsal from big vonne, asking me to help do something. Reached home after rehearsal at 2am? Bathed, ate, went online, and cg member talks to me (not usual occurence). Asked how come I wasn't at cg today (I'm excused from cg for drama rehearsal..), and then drops a big shocker on me:
Our cg will be combining with one of MJ's cell groups to eventually multiply, and my cgl will not be leading us anymore. In fact, cgl+wife might even be transferring to be members in another zone altogether. Some of us members might go to youth cell groups. Merger takes place with effect from 1st April.
...does anyone have anything they want to tell me? This week would be a really good week to do so. I still have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday left for you!
Labels: drama, drama ministry
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
the end came unexpectedly. what comes next?
I'm technically jobless now.....
I thought so long about what to write, in the end I can only write that one line.
Despite the fact that I'm tired of repeating the story a lot of times, if you really want to know more, ask me personally. I will not be writing the details in my blog.
Got no mood to do anything now..
Saturday, March 14, 2009
blood is indeed thicker than all..
This is a sudden thought that ran through my mind, as I'm reflecting on some things..
'Blood is indeed thicker than all'. What do I mean? No matter how far/close you are in knowing one another, when someone is your family member, you are still connected by your blood ties..
Meaning..because of this blood ties, you accept someone for who they are, whether you know them well or not, whether they've done wrong or offended you in the past..at the end of the day, you are still family...
And to take this further, Jesus died on the cross and connected ALL of us by His blood.
So we are all brothers and sisters by the blood of Christ.
Have not been online for past couple of days..Been recovering from bout of illness..too much chionging of my work into the wee hours..too much flu virus going around which I got affected by too..
Alot of pressure and stress cos of deadlines looming around my head like vultures ready to eat me the moment I fall flat..
I'm really trying but its hard.
I believe, if God wants me to go down this path that I am on, then He will give me the strength and the means to overcome! Both for school and for work..
And His protection and provision for my loved ones and myself!
Psa 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
My first driving lesson is on Monday..I'm excited to finally hit the road.. :)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
21st bday summary!
My 21st birthday celebrations were a blast! Really thank God that for the past two years I didn't celebrate, this year combined 3 years in 1 worth of celebration..really happy..
Celebrated with my family+relatives+cell group on 28 Feb (which made alot of people think my twin sis and I were born on 29 Feb or something -_-; Actual is 3 March..). Was really blessed above and beyond what I expected, as my relatives really went the extra mile to get us things we would appreciate.(Apologies for no pictures at the moment! I will update them on FB/here when I can. I can't find my cable right now..) Edited: Pics are up now!
Twin sis and I were glad to have our awesomest perfect cake. MUAHAHA. >D Watch out for the pic to know the full powahhh. It's not a '21' or a key..it's..
Also had a movie outing+dinner with some of the choir people..and was surprised and touched they remembered/bothered so much for me. :)
Total Present list for the curious:
-Favourite present: Flowers! :) From my eldest sis.
-Got a bouquet of roses from cell group as well. Whee!
-Bag (from cell group)
-A lot of makeup from various people o.O;
-Topshop vouchers (cousins)
-ang paos
-sheep snowglobe (super duper random. O.O They know I like sheep though. ^^ll from the gang)
-Voice recordable teddy bear with the gang singing bday song to me (HAHAHA!)
-pretty paper notebook (the gang)
-body shop products (various)
-charm bracelet (cousin)
-cross necklace (one encouraging auntie T_T)
-Red and black shirt (the one I really really really wanted~ from choir kakis~ <3) style="font-weight: bold;">Added: Just remembered the gang got me an Apple Strudel, cos I randomly said I had craving for it. XD
YAY I'm very happy and blessed this birthday. Thank you everyone! :)) It makes up for the past two years of not celebrating.
Thank you to my usual gang, sticking with me for years and years. Nearly a decade now!
Thank you to my family, who really put in so much effort for me..
Thanks to all the people who sent me wishes via sms or fb!
Thank you to the choir people, who really make me feel like an important part of this big family..I really LOVE YOU ALL! It's really a family feeling I have in choir.
Aiya don't say anymore le later people cry~
Monday, March 2, 2009
Everyone has different expectations of what they think/hope I will/should fulfil for them.
I don't know what every person's exact list of expectations are. I know that sometimes because I'm not psychic, I probably fail to meet people's expectations.
What I know right THIS moment is:
My boss expects me to finish certain work by certain deadlines.
My dad expects me to go to sleep by 2am every day.
My flesh is failing me physically a lot due to chionging work till the sun rises for the past few days. (which may mean my flesh expects me to be kinder to it.)
God loves me.
I love God.
What He has put into my hands, I'm happy to mould and do something GOOD for the glory of Him!
People have strange expectations of me sometimes. Which I don't Have to meet.
People have strange Assumptions of me. Which may not be true.
People are people, and are going to continue judging, assuming, misinterpreting, making conclusions from misinformation, and saying opinions about me.
I've long given up on thinking so much about what other people think.
I've long given up on trying to figure out what happens next (cos God takes care of my future).
I've long given up my own human will.
And I always remember that when you place God above all, seek first His kingdom, all truly will be added unto you..
I am happy where my ministry is going. I haven't stopped seeking to be better all the time, to do more, and even when I don't really know what is the "more" I want to do, God provides that unexpected opportunities for me at the timely moment.
Indeed..even if noone else sees it, my eye is focused on GOD alone, and that is why I do all that I do (school, career, ministry, etc).
I still want More!
And God really works in mysterious ways. So I shall just continue to allow the mysterious workings of the most Almighty to take place in my life, and wait for the "oooh, so That's why God allowed that to happen to me last time~!" moments. :)
Labels: eternity